Master Head Coach Hesketh Benoit (founder and CEO) said, "This summer was exceptional, one of my top 5 out of my 40 years in the community"
All of our sessions this year (excluding our indoor Friday and Sunday sessions) have been free of charge and highly inclusive.
Volunteering within the Haringey B4A organisation has been essential in our progress, from coaches to business professionals.
Moving forward after the summer we have set ourselves a range of goals.

Selby Centre Indoor Basketball Sessions
Haringey B4A provided £3 basketball sessions for ages 7 to 18+. Our sessions were highly inclusive to all ages and levels. We had players learning and developing in basketball.
Refreshments and hot meals
Thanks to the help of our local foodbank, we were able to provide our kids with refreshments at each session, often this would be hot meals.
Ducketts and Commons Basketball Coaching
We had a core team of two paid coaches and two volunteer coaches. This enabled us to run supervised coaching and basketball sessions throughout the summer. Our sessions were highly inclusive, running wheelchair basketball and operating sessions between all ages and skillsets.
Our volunteers have an abundance of ability in providing sessions for young people. We had coaches volunteering, we had trained social care parents spending time speaking with the children and we had pro basketball players speaking with the children.
Supporting Ball Out UK and London Youth Games
Thanks to our connection with young people involved in sport, we assisted generating volunteers and athletes to compete and help in the London Youth Games, and also Ball Out UK, the largest basketball tournament in the UK.
Inclusive Basketball
Our basketball sessions are inclusive, and we accommodate for almost all ages and as many disabilities as we can. Our coaches are trained to ensure no one is left out. Our basketball philosophy is not to make the world's best basketball players but to help make people love basketball.